
Recenzja filmu shrek po angielsku

In my freetime i always go to the cinema. I like watching films so much. My favourite is ??Shrek 2??. this film is a fantastic komedy. I saw it in ?multikino? in Poznań last weekend.
The film start like this:??Behind seven mountains, behind seven rivers there lived a big, green ogre??.


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Tel. 987-564-482
October 18th

Dear Sir or Madam

I'm waiting to complain about a mobile phone. I bought it from your shop in Warszawa on Krakowska Street on 12th October. The mobile phone is a Nokia 76 00, and the number of the mobile is MR 145 28 78.


On January 27th, 1926, a group of scientists met in a laboratory in London to watch TV. The television was made of all kinds of things, including an old box, knitting needles, a bicycle lamp and a cake tin! It was invented by a Scottish man called John Logie Baird, and the transmitted pictures of a 16 year old boy.

Reported speech - mowa zależna

Reported speech - mowa zależna

Mowa zależna w języku angielskim polega na przetaczaniu czyjeś wypowiedzi bez cytowania. W zdaniach w mowie zależnej nie ma cydzysłowia. W tych zdaniach po słówkach takich jak: say, tell może, lecz nie musi, pojawić się słówko "that" - co znaczy "że".

Reported Speech

Reported Speech jest to mowa zależna. Zamieniamy na:
present simple -> past simple ( I watch TV -> I watched TV)
present cont. -> past cont. (I am holding my bag -> I was holding my bag)
present perfect -> past perfect (I've done it -> I had done it)
past simple ->past perfect ( I did my homework -> I had done my homework)
past cont.