
Analizy czasów

Present Simple

Kiedy chcemy powiedzieć o naszych zajęciach , które wykonujemy systematycznie, co jakiś okreslony czas.
Kiedy chcemy wypowiedzieć się na jakiś temat (tu: myśli , odczucia)
Kiedy mówimy o czymś zrozumiałym jak ,np. prawa natury, zjawiska atmosferyczne.

Analiza reklamy po angielsku Nissana Terrano


From a few weeks in every colorful magazine we can see adwersting new ground car NISSAN TERRANO. Photo , and rather monatage photo, which occupies all page introduces high and rocky mountains crossed gullieses on the background covered - lead coloured clouds on the sky.

An unexpected success by Sally

Last time I didn't play volleyball so good, but it was sooner and sooner to the school tournament. However, something happed which surprised everybody and obviously me.
Our school always take part in contests and always we won the main price. This year we were playing versus Longbridge School.

Animal testing.

Each year about five million dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, monkeys, and other animals die in lethal tests performed in the U.S. During such experiments strange substance are forced into the animals throats, or are pumped into their stomachs by a tube. Experimental medicines are injected under the skin, into a vein, abdomen, applied to the eyes of an animal or forciblly inhaled through a gas mask.

Animals at home

It is very popular to keep various animals at home. The first domesticated animal was a dog, which have been accompanying people for ages. Dogs are friendly and very helpful. They are irreplaceable in every household where they can guard the property or other farm animals. Their role is invaluable in guiding blind people.