About "Club", Debating Society, Conversation

About our club

The Club that's called "European Debating Society" was created by me and my friends from different european countries.

Important info about our club:
Our club is called " European Debating Society" and deals with educational matters eg. debating meetings at friendly schools, educational projects, discussing panels in classrooms etc.

People who are members of our club are mainly students and pupils from various countries.

The greatest achievements of the Club are:
- students' and pupils' exchange
- educational trips and journeys
- paintings' competitions
- appearance of our web site on the net

Our meetings are held during the longest break or after the classes at friendly schools.

Prace napisal: Bobomaster
Pisanie prac w j.angielskim, poprawianie testow, sprzedaz programow multimedilnych do nauki j.angielskiego
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