Addictions – your opinion

The three main problems – alcoholism, drugs – taking and smoking threaten our life’s, ruin career’s, nappy family life’s, and even caure early death.

Alcoholism is another social problem. It is easy and fast become depended on alcohol but is very difficult to overcome this habit. It is starting when when people have a problem’s. They started to drinking alcohol. With time human drink’s more and more and more… when he will weak up, it is to late. Human is an alcoholic. When human is an alcoholic so there is only one step to death. It’s concern every one: man’s, women’s and young people.

Drugs – addiction is another problem of the 20 th century. Young people look for some supernatural experience, they hope to find sense of life pleasure and happiness in taking drugs, and they don’t even know how quickly they fall into addiction. Drugs is very popular. More young people are taking drugs. They can buy it every were: on the street, in school, on the disco. Young people think that drugs are good way to run away from problem’s. They even don’t know how badly are the drugs for them.

Smoking is one of the most common addictions. Smokers usually deceive themselves saying that smoking isn’t dangerous. Young people think they look more mature when they are holding a cigarette in their hands. Sometimes, it is stress which drives people into the habit. They smoke to calm down. Smoking cigarette lead to cancer and heart sick . Even we don’t realize how many people’s die in last year’s for smoking cigarette. Human should started to thinking what does he doing with his life.

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