Movie "The Rosa Parks Story"

Movie “The Rosa Parks Story”
Racism and prejudice has been a problem in the United States for along time. People have been denied human right such as getting a fair trial, eating in restaurant. Or sitting in what ever seat they want in a public bus.
In the movie “The Rosa Parks Story”, Rosa Parks, a 42-year-old African American woman who worked as a seamstress. She took the only available seat in the first row of the "colored" section on a city bus; when a white woman boarded and the driver demanded that the black riders in her row move, everyone complied except Parks. On this bus on that day, Rosa Parks initiated a new era in the American quest for freedom and equality. Rosa didn’t think it was fair that the white people expected her to give up her seat because she was African American and she didn’t want to be treated unfairly and longer. Black people and white people could not sit together on the bus. White people sat in the front of the bus and black people had to sit in the back. This treatment was unfair.
She was arrested, and put to jail, because she was sitting where white people should sit. Rosa Parks knew that she would try to make a change. She never gives up. Rosa was a strong black woman.
Everything was divided. In the restaurant white people has seats, but black people had to stand. Even at parks there were separate water fountains for white people and black people. Those for black people were trashy.
It happened long time ago and now everything is different. United States government proclaimed more equality among people from different races. People are punished for discriminating others. So, there is no division of seats in busses or restaurants. Everyone can seat wherever they like and there is no assigned seats for black or white people.

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