Nobel Prize laureates coming from English-speaking countries

Alfred Nobel was born on 21 October 1833 in Stockholm, Sweden. He was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes.
The foundations of the Nobel Prize were laid in 1895 when Alfred Nobel wrote his last will, leaving much of his wealth for its establishment. Since 1901, the prize has honored men and women for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and for work in peace.

The Nobel Prize was established in 1895, and it was first awarded in Peace, Literature, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Physics in 1901. The annual Prize Award Ceremony takes place on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death.
Since the Nobel Prize is regarded as the most prestigious prize in the world by far, the Award Ceremonies as well as the Banquets are major international events that receive worldwide coverage by the print media, radio and television.
As of July, 2008, 777 individuals and 20 organizations have been awarded the Nobel prize.
There are 114 British Nobel Prize Winners and 8 Irish.

The most famous Nobel prize British and American laureates are:

Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, born on the same day I were born ? 30 November, but 111 years earlier - in 1874. He was a British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II. He also served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945 and again from 1951 to 1955, President of the Board of Trade, Home Secretary, First Lord of the Admiralty, officer in the British Army, historian, statesman and orator none the less, Churchill won a Nobel Prize for his literary works.

He gained fame and notoriety as a war correspondent and through contemporary books he wrote describing the campaigns.
He wrote 43 historical and political books His 1st book:
THE STORY OF THE MALAKAND FIELD FORCE 1898 shows true-life military adventures drawn from newspaper despatches filed by the 22-year-old correspondent while serving on India's Afghanistan-bordering.Wrenching to read how little has changed in this region since Churchill's time.

I would rather call him a chronicler than a writer because he described plenty of important moments in not only British, but also European and World?s history, like: the history of British involvement in the Sudan in the ?River War?, the Boer War in ?London to Lady Smith?, the first world war in ?The world?s crisis?, alarms against Hitler and the Nazis in ?Step by Step? , colonial wars in India, the Sudan and South Africa in ?Young Winston?s Wars? , and the history of England, her colonies, and the language collected in ?The history of the English-speaking Peoples?. But the most famous Churchill?s literary work is
The best-selling six-volume history that helped gain Churchill a Nobel Prize for literature.

Theodore Roosevelt was born in the 27th October , 1858 . He is commonly called T.R., and by the public (but never to friends and intimates) ? Teddy. What I found very entertaining - Teddy bears are named after him.
He was the twenty-sixth President of the United States of America and Nobel Prize in Peace Laureate.
He is most famous for his personality: his energy, his vast range of interests and achievements, his model of masculinity, and his "cowboy" persona.
He was a Progressive reformer who distrusted wealthy businessmen and dissolved forty monopolistic corporations as a "trust buster". He was against corrupt and illegal business practices.
He was the first U.S. president to call for universal health care and national health insurance. He showed a lot of interest in all US citizens. As an outdoorsman, he promoted the conservation movement.
Roosevelt negotiated for the U.S. to take control of the Panama Canal and its construction in 1904; he felt the Canal's completion was his most important and historically significant international achievement. He was the first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize, winning its Peace Prize in 1906, for negotiating the peace in the Russian-Japanese War.

Amnesty International is an international non-governmental organization which wants to end grave abuses of human rights. It was founded in London in 1961. The organization was awarded in the 1977 Nobel Peace in Prize for its "campaign against torture" and the United Nations Human Rights Prize in 1978.
Amnesty International was founded by English lawyer Peter Benenson. He decided to establish the Amnesty International because one day he read of two Portuguese students who had been sentenced to seven years of imprisonment for having drunk a toast to liberty.

There are five key areas which Amnesty deals with: Women's Rights, Children's Rights, Ending Torture and Execution, Rights of Refugees and Rights of Prisoners of Conscience.

Amnesty International helps prisoner?s families, sends observers to trials, makes representations to governments,

It is against extrajudicial killings, political killings, recruitment and use of child soldiers

They want to ensure free education to all children worldwide.

Throughout the 2000s, Amnesty International continued to grow to a membership of over 3 million in over 150 countries.

Polish Nobel Prize Winners:

There are 9 Poles who were given the Nobel Prize.
The Polish winners of the Nobel Prize in Literature are:
1. Henryk Sienkiewicz- 1905
2. Władysław Reymont-1924
3. Isaac Bashevis Singer- 1978
4. Czesław Miłosz- 1980
5. Wisława Szymborska- 1996

The Nobel Peace Prize Polish Laureates are:

1. Lech Wałęsa, Peace, 1983
2. Józef Rotblat*, Peace, 1995

1. Marie Skłodowska-Curie with the Nobel Prizes in Physics( 1903) and in Chemistry ( 1911)
2. Tadeus Reichstein with Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1950)

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