„Most people think that being famous is heaven, but in fact it's more like hell.” What do you think?

„Most people think that being famous is heaven, but in fact it's more like hell.” What do you think?

Many people dream about being famous. They would do everything to appear on TV, radio or Internet. They want to be admired and loved by fans. The media show rich and beautiful stars and it is believed that their life is full of hapiness and love. Although it seems to be true, there are many disadvantages of being famous.

Despite the fact of being vain they simply want to be rich. And so they are. They have everything what they want to. But most of them are hard to satisfy. Famous people have got many requirements and conditions to meet by festival organisers. They don't have to be afraid of their future. Luckily, many celebrities help poor people and join organisations like UNICEF to help children around the world.

Everything has got its dark side and being famous also have. Celebrities have no privacy. They spent lot of money on bodyguards and protection. Papparazzi go everywhere where famous persons go. They take photos even when celebrity is in the loo or eating. It's terrible because every step is being watched. Gossips can ruin their life because we sometimes don't know if the interview is real or just the journalist's lie to make people to buy more copies of this magazine. There are many people who didn't manage to cope with this pressure of being famous. They fell into addictions or commited suicide.

To sum up being famous have got many advantages and disadvantages. Fame is fickle and you never know when it ends. For me it's not worth to destroy your life in return for money and glory.

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