
The weather - ściąga z pogody

It is:

Thistle - Scottish symbol

Legend teach us how the thistle, scottish symbol, saved the country in the Middle Ages, when the Scots and Norsemen were at war. Under cover of darkness, the Norsemen managed to land unobserved on the coast of Scotland. Removing their boots, they crept on bare feet toward the unsuspecting Scottish army.

Thomas Alva Edison - he and his invents

THOMAS ALVA EDISON ? general info
[his photo]
BORN: 11.02. 1847 Milan, Ohio, USA
DIED: 18.10.1931 West Orange, New Jersey, USA
OCCUPATION: Inventor, Entrepreneur
HIS MOST IMPORTANT INVENTS: Phonograph and light bulb
OTHER IMPORTANT NOTES: He improved Bell's phone.


The Tolkien family had its roots in Saxony (Germany), but had been living in England. Tolkien was born on 3 January 1892, in Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State. was an English philologist, writer and university professor who is best known as the author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, as well as many other works.

Tradycja i kultura Wielkiej Brytanii

Tradycja i kultura Anglii

Nauka i oświata
W Wielkiej Brytanii znajduje się duża liczba znakomitych uniwersytetów: Oxford, Cambridge, University College London, Imperial College, King's College. Zjednoczone Królestwo wydało wielu wspaniałych naukowców takich jak Isaac Newton, James Watt, Charles Darwin,Alexander Fleming i Graham Bell.