A recipe for a spring salad


- 1 red pepper
- 0, 5 cucumbers
- 1 can of green peas
- 1 can of corn
- 1 salad
- 2 tomatoes
- Mayonnaise
- Salt
- Pepper
- 3 hard-boiled eggs
- Cheese

How to prepare:

First, wash your hands and vegetables. Then, put a red pepper on a board and cut it into stripes. Put it in a quite big bowl. Do the same with cucumber and tomatoes. Then, put the leaves of salad in the bowl and mix. When you do all of that things, pour some pepper and salt into the bowl. Then, put some mayonnaise in and mix everything again. Dice some cheese and put it in an oven. Shell all of the hard-boiled eggs and dice them. Put molten cheese and diced eggs into the salad. Put more mayonnaise in the bowl and mix slowly again. Then set the table and decorate the salad. The salad tastes the best when you eat it with fried meet.
This is a portion for four people.
Don?t wait! Try this delicious salad, now!

Written by
Sara Berent
Words: 180 (without the title)

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