Mój kraj - Polska

Polska has a population of abaut 38 millions people. The Biggest cities are Warsaw, Poznan, Wroclaw, Lodz, Gdansk. The official language is Polish. In Polish is temperate climate. Polish people are helpful. Stolica Warszawa is the capital of Poland. There live 1,7 millions people. It is the biggest city of Poland. There are a lot of relic of the past: King castle, King Zygmunt’s monument. In Warsaw is a lot of restaurants and hotels. Sławni ludzie I n Poland was born a lot of famous people astronomer - Mikołaj Kopernik, poet - Adam Mickiewicz. In Poland live many famous sportsmans: Adam Małysz, Robert Kubica, Otylia Jędrzejczak. Sławne miejsca There are a lot of relic of the past in Poland. Wawel is very famous castle. Malbork was Crusader’s residence. On the south of Poland there are beautiful mountains Tatry and Baltic sea on the nord. Piękne miejsca Poland is famous for the Forest Białowieska. There live a lot of animals, horrifying bisons, woodpecker, wolf. There are very nice lakes in Poland. One of the nice land around the Word is Mazury. Legendy O ne of the most popular polish legend is the story about Lech, Czech and Rus. This legend describe the beginning of polish country. The legend about bad king Popiel is also well Know.

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