Pluses and minuses living in the city and the country

Living in the city is different than living in the country.First of all, life in the city is more comfortable. The city offers many opportunities to young people. First of all, they can attend there the best schools and universities and good educational background increas their chances to get a well-paid job. Young people can socialize in cafes, pubs, clubs or discos. there are also many sport facilities- gyms, tennis courts or swimming pools.hey can enjoy shopping in large shopping centres or department stores. Disadvantages of living in the city are such as: there are a lot of people, it is noisy, people have no privacy, there is more crime and of course big traffics. The most serious problem of living in the country is the problem with finding a job. People need to have their own cars if they want to get somewhere very quickly.Another bad side of country life is lack of entertainment. There are no cafes or cinemas where people could spend their free time and socialize with their friends.You can go for a nice walk in the forest or in the meadows. Both country and city life have their advantages and disadvantages and i don't know whitch of them is better.

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