
The Message Behind the Rose

Advertising influences virtually every aspect of the consumer industry. Advertisers create a feeling of need for a product and consumers buy in order to enhance their appearances,lifestyles, or careers. Invading all spaces of public announcements from billboards to magazines and television commercials, advertisements practically dictate what is popular and what is not.

The Problems of the Present Poland

In my opinion, the biggest problem in our country is that most of our compatriots do not realize how beautiful and rich Poland is. I've spent a lot of time in a few European countries and now I see that Poland with its' interesting traditions, culture, customs, tasty cuisine is the most fascinating country in the whole Europe.

The Problems of the Present World

The Problems of the Present World

1) Environmental problems especially the destruction of forests and water pollution.
The destruction of forests throughout the world is a serious global issue. Recent studies about forests show that temperate forests are even more endangered than tropical forests.

The Real World

I sit on the edge of the couch with my body tilted slightly forward and my elbows resting on my thighs. My wrists hold my head up as my eyes glaze at the bright box before me. I hear a distant voice calling my name but I shut it out as I am truly engaged in my TV program. My special time is on Tuesdays at en o'clock.

The Scared Story

Many years ago in Poland, I had a terrible experience. I always loved the beach and usually spent my summers vacationing at sea resorts.
Twenty years ago, I went to a Polish Baltic Sea resort in a place where I never was before. It was warm; there was early morning sunshine when I came onto the beach .