
The pyramid


The Pyramid of the sun is located in ancient city of Teotihuacan in Mexico. It is a pyramid with hundreds of steps, who are leading up to the site of an old temple.

That structure was built by the Teotihuacanos and was completed in the 2nd century AD.

Therapeutical cloning

The possibility of human cloning raised when Scottish scientists at Roslin Institute created the sheep "Dolly". Since then, worldwide interest and discussion concerning scientific and ethical aspect of that controversial issue aroused. Cloning is a method that involves the production of a group of cells or organisms that all derive from a single individual.

Things which motivates people most to go to work.

Work is something very important in humans life. From the beginning of the world people had their specific duties, jobs and known place in community, because when you don’t do anything, you are needless. There is similarly in the present. Having ideal job is a main purpose of our life. For this reason people are learning for many years.


Turism for some people is one of the most exiting activity in the world. It broadens our horizons. We have an opportunity to meet some interesting people, explore foreign places, know fascinating traditions.
We can travel by bus, train, airplane, our private car or hitch-hike. We can organize our travel ourselves or buy it from travel agencies.

Typical wedding - wstęp

I was invited to my sister's wedding. The ceremony was held on 13th of June 2005 at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The young couple decided to get married on 13th because they wanted to have a special date, easy to memorized. They were married in an old church in the villiage where my sister lives.