
The United Kingdom of Great Britain after the II World War

I would like to describe the situation in The Kingdom of Great Britain after the II World War
1945-1997 Great Britain after the second World War
After the II World War the Labour Party with Clement Atlee were electedThey promised inter alia as the creation of a National Health Service and nationalisation of the major industries.

The Visitor - opowiadanie

It was a cold night, the street were empty when me and Paul were going home. That night

happened something I’ll never forget.

On our walk we were talking about the U.F.O. Suddenly Paul said “Did you see that?!” pointing the sky. I looked at the sky and saw something like a falling star but much bigger and slower.

The Wind - the essey about A Single Shard (the book)

The book A Single Shard, written by Linda Sue Park, which we were talking about during ESOL class, tells us a story about some Korean boy. His name is Tree-ear, just like the name of mushrooms, which live on the trees. That is a good name for him because he is an orphan, and just like tree-ears live and grow without roots, he lives and grows without family.

The air contamination in Cracow and Tarnov

The aim of this work is a comparison between the actual state of the air in Cracov and Tarnov and perceptual assessment of the contamination level in Cracow.

The environment contamination is leading solid, liquid, gaseous substances and energy into environment, in the quantity or composition which may influence human health, climate, living nature, soil, water or cause other changes in the environment, including cultural.

The best shopping street in the world

A recent survey has shown that the busiest shopping street in the world is not London,New York, or Paris, but in Warsaw.It's called Nowy Świat.
It's lovely place to shop.There are statues ,palaces,attractive town houses,and high-class restaurants.The buildings aren't too tall.They look old ,but in fact the whole city was rebuilt after World War II.